Project Overview Study Description The CDD requested a traffic analysis to assess whether parallel parking could be provided for residents in Unit 17 – LDR 11 along Blair Stone Road and Four Oaks Blvd near the roundabout. The residents and the CCD have investigated parking options for several years due to ongoing resident complaints and… Continue Reading Traffic Study Summary
The Southwood CDD held its March 2019 meeting on March 7 at the Southwood Community Center. Highlights included: St. Joe Update Community Manager John Curtis provided an update on St. Joe’s long-term development planning, including swapping of entitlements for future land uses, road networks and future development. Also discussed were traffic counts unlikely to trigger… Continue Reading March 2019 Meeting Recap
The Southwood CDD held its February 2019 meeting on February 7 at the Southwood Community Center. Highlights included: At the meeting, the Board presented plaques to former supervisors Eli Nortelus and Glenda Herrera-Gray in recognition of their service to the Southwood community. Traffic Study Discussion CDD Engineer Keith Dantin provided details about the traffic analysis… Continue Reading February 2019 Meeting Recap
The Southwood CDD held its January 2019 meeting on January 10 at the Southwood Community Center. Highlights included: Board Changes The District Manager administered oaths of office for three new Supervisors: Jennings DePriest, April Johnston, and Kyle Rojas. The Board re-elected Brian Kelley as Chair and elected Jennings DePriest as Vice Chair. Lake Maintenance Update… Continue Reading January 2019 Meeting Overview
Southwood Celebrates Halloween Wednesday, 10/31 from 6:30p.m. – 9:30p.m. This year, the Southwood Community will close several streets to guest traffic to better protect children trick-or-treating in the neighbourhood. A total of 35 intersections will be blocked to guest traffic from 6:30 – 9pm. All roadways will be accessible for emergencies and for residents. Golf… Continue Reading 2018 Halloween Information
August 2018 Meeting Recap The Southwood CDD held its August 2018 meeting on August 16 at the Southwood Community Center. Highlights included: Board Changes Supervisor David Ramba submitted a letter of resignation in August, which the Board accepted at the meeting. The Board indicated it will consider appointing a new supervisor at… Continue Reading August 2018 Meeting Overview
July 2018 Meeting Recap The Southwood CDD held its July 2018 meeting on July 12 at the Southwood Community Center. Highlights included: Upcoming Elections Five candidates for three seats on the CDD Board of Supervisors introduced themselves to the board and audience. Discussion of DRI The Southwood CDD is part of a development of regional… Continue Reading July 2018 Meeting Overview
June 2018 Meeting Recap The Southwood CDD held its June 2018 meeting on June 14 at the Southwood Community Center. Highlights included: Discussion of Pond Maintenance Jess van Dyke updated the Board on the positive effects of the treatment regimen at Catfish Pond. Treatment recommendations include conducting additional testing at another lake with significant algae… Continue Reading June 2018 Meeting Overview
The Capital Region Community Development District (a.k.a., the Southwood CDD) held its May 2018 meeting on May 17 at the Southwood Community Center. Highlights included: Discussion of Preliminary Fiscal Year 2019 Budget The board reviewed the preliminary budget and provided guidance for the preparation of the proposed the Fiscal Year 2019 budget be considered for… Continue Reading May 2018 Meeting Recap
The Southwood CDD held its April 2018 meeting on April 12 at the Southwood Community Center. Highlights included: Series 2008 & 2011 Bond Refunding The board adopted Resolution 2018-05, ratifying actions board members and district staff took in finalizing the closing and issuance of the refunding bonds (Series 2018A-1 and -2), as well as ratifying… Continue Reading April 2018 Meeting Recap