MINUTES OF MEETING CAPITAL REGION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Capital Region Community Development District was held Thursday, April 11, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. at the Southwood Community Center, 4675 Grove Park Drive, Tallahassee, Florida. Present and constituting a quorum were: Kyle Rojas Chairman David Frank Vice Chairman Chuck Urban Supervisor Susan Burns Supervisor Matthew Vogel Supervisor Also present were: James Oliver District Manager Sarah Sandy District Counsel Robert Berlin GMS Operations Corbin deNagy GMS Operations Rhonda Mossing MBS Capital Markets by telephone The following is a summary of the actions taken at the April 11, 2024 meeting. FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Mr. Rojas called the meeting to order and called the roll. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments A resident stated the pledge of allegiance was taken off the agenda. I suggest you consider buying goats for the retention areas as an option that could be rented for a fee. Due to the people who opposed the bond for a swimming pool and rec area, we lost that opportunity and it is going to be harder to get it now. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Consent Agenda A. Approval of the Minutes of the March 7, 2024 Meeting B. Balance Sheet as of February 29, 2024 and Statement of Revenues & Expenditures for the Period Ending February 29, 2024 April 11, 2024 Capital Region CDD 2 C. Allocation of Assessments D. Check Register On MOTION by Ms. Burns seconded by Mr. Urban with all in favor the consent agenda items were approved. The next two items taken out of order. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Discussion of Maple Ridge Common Area Mr. Berlin stated we own a 30-foot easement between two homes on Maple Leaf Way that has a 60-inch pipe that collects all the water in Maple Ridge and puts it in the pond and the city occupies our easement, they have a utility easement and a gravity sewer pipe. That area is low and in order to maintain that 30-foot strip between the two homes I recommend putting in a positive drainage system. That area will then be dry and it would allow All Pro to maintain it. Mr. Berlin advised he believe the District could do the work for around $10,000. On MOTION by Ms. Burns seconded by Mr. Frank with all in favor staff was authorized District staff to install drainage structures and sod in the 30-foot easement area in an amount not to exceed $10,000. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Agreement with Leon County Tax Collector On MOTION by Mr. Vogel seconded by Mr. Urban with all in favor the agreement with the Leon County Tax Collector was approved. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Update Regarding Pond FL080 Restoration Ms. Sandy stated we received a demand letter from Sandco’s attorney that we pay the $18,500 they previously requested for what they believe is the CDD’s share of the Orange Ave Pond’s restoration costs. I spoke with their counsel and I asked for the basis of Sandco’s claim and how they calculated the amount. Yesterday I received an email from their counsel stating they felt the district actually was responsible for 68% of the cost based on the fact that during construction Sandy had installed a barrier in the pond that they stated prevented sediment and April 11, 2024 Capital Region CDD 3 run-off from the construction from going over on the western half of the pond. The percentage allocation was based where the barrier split the acreage of the pond. This item put on hold for a few minutes. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Presentation Regarding Proposed Refunding – Series 2024 Bonds Ms. Mossing gave an overview of the district’s 2013 bonds, and a proposed structure for refunding the 2013 bonds, after which the board took the following action. On MOTION by Mr. Vogel seconded by Mr. Urban with all in favor MBS Capital Markets was authorized to move forward in conjunction with the financing team and work on documents and structure. Item Four Continuation Mr. Berlin gave a PowerPoint presentation on the maintenance history of pond FL080, then construction done by Sandco, sediment going into the pond and the effect of rain events. After discussion the board took the following action. On MOTION by Ms. Burns seconded by Mr. Vogel with all in favor district counsel was authorized to decline Sandco’s offer and was authorized to provide Sandco’s counsel the additional information on the timeline and photos put together by staff. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Discussion of Maple Ridge Common Area This item taken earlier in the meeting. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Presentation Regarding Proposed Refunding – Series 2024 Bonds This item taken earlier in the meeting. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Agreement with Leon County Tax Collector April 11, 2024 Capital Region CDD 4 This item taken earlier in the meeting. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Staff Reports A. Attorney There being none, the next item followed. B. Dantin Consulting There being none, the next item followed. C. Property Management Report Mr. deNagy gave an overview of the property management report and distributed the proposed landscape enhancement on Blair Stone. The Board requested the enhancement project be included in next year’s budget. 1. All Pro Reports A copy of the All Pro reports was included in the agenda package. 2. Operations Memorandum A copy of the operations memorandum was included in the agenda package. D. Manager Mr. Oliver stated we will bring the draft budget to the May meeting and you will need to approve the budget by June 15th and we will set a public hearing for adoption at the August meeting. NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor’s Requests Mr. Rojas stated I want to thank our staff, they have been working hard, we have had a lot of complex issues coming up and they are doing a good job behind the scenes. Mr. Berlin stated you had a major rain event last night and the ponds had quite a bit of water in them to begin with and while I have always said that Post Buckley who designed the system built a very good drainage system in here as long as it is maintained. The board has been April 11, 2024 Capital Region CDD 5 maintaining the system through All Pro and Corbin has had a chance to see how that has gone on and last night was a classic example of why you spend money on maintenance of the stormwater ponds. TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments A resident stated you were talking about the Maple Ridge area. Where is it? Mr. Berlin pointed the area out on the map. ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Next Scheduled Meeting – May 9, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. at the Southwood Community Center Mr. Rojas stated the next meeting will be held May 9, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. in the same location. The meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m. Secretary/Assistant Secretary Chairman/Vice Chairman DocuSign Envelope ID: 82A7E8DA-63A8-4DAC-A20A-0496ED1C8B31