MINUTES OF MEETING CAPITAL REGION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Capital Region Community Development District was held Thursday, May 9, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. at the Southwood Community Center, 4675 Grove Park Drive, Tallahassee, Florida. Present and constituting a quorum were: Kyle Rojas Chairman Chuck Urban Vice Chairman Susan Burns Supervisor Matthew Vogel Supervisor Also present were: James Oliver District Manager by telephone Sarah Sandy District Counsel Corbin deNagy Operations Manager Robert Berlin GMS The following is a summary of the actions taken at the May 9, 2024 meeting. FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Mr. Rojas called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and called the roll. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments A resident asked is there a provision in the proposed budget for grass between the roadway and sidewalk in front of the houses of Unit 17 facing Four Oaks and Blairstone from the roundabout? The area needs repair. Mr. Rojas stated we maintain the median. When you buy a home in Southwood, you sign that you will abide by their rules and their rules are that homeowners will maintain the grass between the roadway and sidewalk in front your house. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Organizational Matters A. Acceptance of Resignation from Supervisor Frank DocuSign Envelope ID: 10234436-2BA6-47C2-9BB5-ADA5E9CC1E34 May 9, 2024 Capital Region CDD 2 On MOTION by Mr. Urban seconded by Mr. Vogel with all in favor David Frank’s resignation was accepted. B. Discussion of Process to Fill Board Vacancy Mr. Rojas stated we can do the same as in the past, and give until a certain date for people to turn in a resume or letter of interest and we will discuss that at our next meeting or wait until the next meeting to see if anyone qualifies to run. Ms. Sandy stated that Mr. Frank’s seat is one of the seats up for election in November with qualification set for June 10 through June 14. Upon further discussion, the Board decided to wait to fill the seat until after qualification. C. Election of Officers, Resolution 2024-05 On MOTION by Mr. Rojas seconded by Ms. Burns with all in favor Chuck Urban was appointed vice chairman. On MOTION by Ms. Burns seconded by Mr. Vogel with all in favor Resolution 2024-05 was approved reflecting the following: Kyle Rojas Chairman, Chuck Urban Vice Chairman, the remaining Supervisors Assistant Secretaries, James Oliver secretary and treasurer, Patti Powers and Rich Hans assistant treasurers, Marilee Giles, Daniel Laughlin, Darrin Mossing and Corbin deNagy assistant treasurers and assistant secretaries. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Consent Agenda A. Approval of the Minutes of the April 11, 2024 Meeting B. Balance Sheet as of March 31, 2024 and Statement of Revenues & Expenditures for the Period Ending March 31, 2024 C. Allocation of Assessments D. Check Register On MOTION by Mr. Urban seconded by Mr. Vogel with all in favor the consent agenda items were approved as amended. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Update Regarding Series Refunding 2024 Bonds DocuSign Envelope ID: 10234436-2BA6-47C2-9BB5-ADA5E9CC1E34 May 9, 2024 Capital Region CDD 3 Ms. Sandy stated district staff, bond counsel, underwriter and underwriter’s counsel have been meeting along with GMS to work on the documents. We plan to being them to your June meeting at which time we will have the bond authorization resolution and attached to that will be several documents that will be in substantial form that we would utilize to market the bonds. We are looking to approve those items at the June 13th meeting, the next week the underwriter will go to market the bonds, hopefully price the bonds the week of June 24th and finalize and close on the bonds in mid-July that will give us enough time to get the updated assessments on the roll. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Consideration of Tot Lot Repair or Replacement Options Mr. deNagy reviewed the proposals from Game Time and Pro Playgrounds. It was noted that the proposals do not include mulch removal or any repairs that may be needed to the drainage underneath the current playground. Mr. Vogel requested District staff also seek out pricing for alternatives to mulch. After discussion the board took the following public comments: recommends maintenance be done on new equipment, playground for all ages, off market parts, and in response to why new equipment was priced was the results of a playground safety report. On MOTION by Ms. Burns seconded by Mr. Vogel with all in favor staff Pro Playgrounds option 3 proposal in the amount of $159,999 was approved. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Fiscal Year 2025 Proposed Budget A. Review of Fiscal Year 2025 Proposed Budget Mr. deNagy gave an overview of the proposed fiscal year 2025 budget that has no proposed increase in assessments. B. Consideration of Resolution 2024-06 Approving the Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2025 and Setting a Public Hearing Date to Adopt On MOTION by Mr. Vogel seconded by Mr. Urban with all in favor Resolution 2024-06 approving the proposed fiscal year 2025 budget and setting the public hearing for August 15, 2024 was approved. DocuSign Envelope ID: 10234436-2BA6-47C2-9BB5-ADA5E9CC1E34 May 9, 2024 Capital Region CDD 4 EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Staff Reports A. Attorney Ms. Sandy updated the board on the Sandco issue with no response from them since the board rejected their demand letter. B. Dantin Consulting There being none, the next item followed. C. Property Management Report 1. All Pro Reports A copy of the All Pro reports was included in the agenda package. 2. Operations Memorandum A copy of the operations memorandum was included in the agenda package. D. Manager – Report on the Number of Registered Voters, 3,884 A copy of the letter from the supervisor of elections indicating that there are 3,884 registered voters residing in the district was included in the agenda package. NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor’s Requests There being none, the next item followed. TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments A resident asked is there a treasurer behind this organization? Mr. deNagy stated GMS is the district management company for the district and we handle all the financials. ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Next Scheduled Meeting – June 13, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. at the Southwood Community Center Mr. Rojas stated the next meeting will be held June 13, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. in the same location. DocuSign Envelope ID: 10234436-2BA6-47C2-9BB5-ADA5E9CC1E34 May 9, 2024 Capital Region CDD 5 The meeting adjourned at 7:51 p.m. Secretary/Assistant Secretary Chairman/Vice Chairman DocuSign Envelope ID: 10234436-2BA6-47C2-9BB5-ADA5E9CC1E34