Capital RegionCommunity Development District Adopted BudgetFY 2025 A picture containing text Description automatically generated 1-2 3-5 6 7-8 9-10 11-12 13-14 15 Assessment Schedule Table of Contents General Fund Narratives Debt Service Fund Series 2013 Debt Service Fund Series 2018A1 Debt Service Fund Series 2018A2 Debt Service Fund Series 2021 Capital Reserve Fund Description AFBdYuo2dp0gt2ee4td Ac6tu/3al0s/ T2h4ru Pro3j eMctoendt hNsext Pro9je/c3t0e/d2 T4hru AFBYduo 2dp0gt2eet5d REVENUES: CMISSnppaitreesercccryeiieaa lFsllla toAA nirssnewsscoeeaoussrmsssd mmeR Seeeuvnnrettpssnl u--u sDOeinr eRcotl Slt Joe $ 1, 27 182072,,,013080075 - - $ 1, 27 9 4338598,,,,0 90170472010825 $ 4 88 ,, 40 26 75 --- $ 1, 27 9 5838378,,,, 905174008001575 $ 1, 27 382073,,,033050044 - - TOTAL REVENUES $ 2,019,492 $ 2,121,846 $ 56,492 $ 2,178,338 $ 2,040,658 EXPENDITURES: Administrative: CPTDTIAAASLOOPIRWMTDAAEFnnueIaornrerrsnentuftiaCfsesftiahubgpsplscgnnoeniounesbAevtaceosieiisruuetrtparatnssetelr rr,miranTam aae ggsihn eldAvLatCSl nllmeeeaeoea&g ei igiduOuASRsy c xcmnrt n F&ee v&oMpetreieiuPueaee oonnere r npRs ptdteDGaeBenr rntglislFeroiias aotenei itAetn eTbeirnygDn nltssFtdisteae edie v eCieAs&nmtceirenheenhggma raiSsagnelnynu rnoLigcbstlieetoasrscbgaryitliiipottynions $ 1111531 12212321322145775 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 20019819060583221590150 9500760290000700712505001000580050000400200400008 $ 1 1 14 2 2 1 2351 0551 4,,,,,,,,,,, 28 1 59 4289145 992540 404738120290856288210951 5806050074306953 - - - - $ 1 1 1 13350,,,,, 15 26 1 137 559059 206 7 1675145028017300555900280890150 - - - - - - - $ 5 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 12 47 12 371558,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 7 1 8 506 1 5929198105204 607 7 1660050267150908200495567000005280400070003 - $ 5 1 3 1 1 11 21 123 137 183 373552,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 10 3905 1 5013890509350 90700 5800500670004022201050007000001602370550080 - TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE $ 1 89,206 $ 1 28,934 $ 48,786 $ 1 77,721 $ 1 95,139 Capital Region Community Development District Adopted Budget General Fund Page 1 Description AFBdYuo2dp0gt2ee4td Ac6tu/3al0s/ T2h4ru Pro3j eMctoendt hNsext Pro9je/c3t0e/d2 T4hru AFBYduo 2dp0gt2eet5d Capital Region Community Development District Adopted Budget General Fund Operations & Maintenance Field Expenditures IIISSSLLCCPPPPETTRAUOMMrrrepWaarooaornrolettrrrialeocihennepnnsmsthiiielnMuggg sepceiecddiyddLataetaaameri rresiswnRo aFagirtttevRM lrcct-llctiiil oveeseatO ya aaooo e eCEEaenImy-m ynpppnnnnpfEmio xv oMnIeeeAa oMeselpneRMMnreeo tipnvrrMMneatr eseancuaeCaaeaitsniutnptint antaasiical snrFdr/nn-i/aag ii ttpin MtaMennBiTiCcntteieetoigrneee/ttntenurcuaansne esnnacWiePaaricr iamnne/-lnaan rueyne -nMaaa-Cnnetts rtmc CceentnRinuccmeaefenonceecitir&irnci eaena rnUt--aRg en nt t--FCNnt/rne cciNCaeoCioneeettcoe nelnwsaUetsnwtnan rtUc nariUetnacusntcipttists/Street Tree $ 1 , 120 112344455346 35557777800555578376 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 850000555800000028022 900000000000000008055 800000000300000000005 -- $ 1 12 7 112 12335811319 26036 8024799703 2 849,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1714630023579042816 (0234813446667203637925577413335885076681 - - -) $ 2 1112 36 1335 2344456 36 ,,,,,,,,,,,,, 50003070346825 00079090257136 00088030257244 --- -- - -- $ 1 , 1 1 20 12 1245524 1 58361 77691455807 502736 84,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 55814000119256020281 (000380004665043420537003770001370053850568 - -) $ 1 , 1 10 1 1245565 1 3463 2 61 27720011557 5008880 977,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 505570000165500059009000005000027500000800210000400001270000000014 - TOTAL FIELD EXPENDITURES $ 1,830,286 $ 1,606,785 $ 3 93,832 $ 2,000,617 $ 1,845,519 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 2,019,492 $ 1,735,719 $ 4 42,618 $ 2,178,338 $ 2,040,658 EXCESS REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) $ - $ 3 86,127 $ ( 386,127) $ - $ - Page 2 Chapter 190 of the Florida Statutes allows for members of the Board of Supervisors $200 per meeting in which they attend. The budgeted amount for the fiscal y teoa br e i sc o bmapseedn s oante dall supervisors attending 12 Capital Region Community Development District Budget Narrative Fiscal Year 2025 REVENUES Special Assessments-Tax Roll oTpheer Datisintrgi cetx wpeilnl dleitvuyr ae sN dounr-iAndg Vthaelo Friesmca la Ysseeasrs.ment on all sold and platted parcels within the District in order to pay for the Interest aTvheer Dagiset rbiaclta wncilel hoaf vfuen adlls e axvcaeislasb fulen ddus riinnvge tshteed f iwsciathl y tehaer S.tate Board of Administration. The amount is based upon the estimated Expenditures - Administrative Supervisors Fees Special Assessments-Direct St Joe oTpheer Datisintrgi cetx wpeilnl dbiitllu are Ns odnu-rAindg V tahleo rFeimsc aals Yseesasrm. ent on all sold and platted parcels to St Joe within the District in order to pay for the rTBBehoobenna ddDtssei . s &lCtiar uSibcreirtrl eiiitesny str lae2ynq0 tdu1h i8seruAe Dbd1im /sttoAirt 2ia ca nCt rnaheupapasiotl aclryolt Inhtmotar vptaherce ota evDnde ia mswrtbreiitnichtttr .GaRgreeav uer en&bu aAet seRs eocfacuilacnutdeliasn,t giao nBn oi onnndd estph, Seeen Drdiieestnsr t2i cc0te2'sr1 tSi Cfeiareipdei spt a2ul0b I1lmi3cp aCrcoacpvoeiutmanlet Iinmntg pR frieorvmveen, mtuoee cn Ratel Rcfuuelnvaedtne uthe e FICA Taxes tPoatyarlo Bllo atardxe osf Sounp eBrovairsdo r ’osf p Sauyproerllv eisxopre’sn d ciotumrpese.nsation. The budgeted amount for the fiscal year is calculated at 7.65% of the Engineering ppTrrheoepj eDacirtsastt.r iAiocdnt'd sfio etrino bgnoianalelryed,r Tm (hAeete ktDiinnissgt)sr ,iw crtei luvl itbeilewi zp earsno Ddvi aednxinteigcnu lEitmen goitifen ddeo eecrnuingmign eoennet rsai nnug na dsseesirrgv tnihceeed sD ptiorsot trjheicect t’D sb itasrtsurissic tat i nninddc eflounrdt uienrnegg aainnttedee nmrdinoagnn icctoeon raissnu nglt eoinef dgD esidset rarvincicdte s. Attorney TBBhooeaa rr ddD im sotfer eiSctuti’npsg e Asr,vt rtieosovrnriesew y a, no wfd c i lotlh n ebtr e aD cpitsrsto,r vriceitdv Miineagwn gaoegf neaerg.rraele mleegnalt s s aenrvdi creesso tlou t itohnes ,D aisntdri c ott, h , raettseenadrcahn c aes asingdn epdre apsa r daitrieocnt efodr bmyo nththel y Annual Audit bTuhde gDeitsetdri catm iso urenqt ufoirre tdh teo f icsocnadl yuecat ra nis abnansuedal oanu dcoitn otfr aitcst efidn afenecsi aflr oremc othrdes p brye vaino uIns dyeepaer nednegnatg eCmeretniftie pdl uPsu abnlitci cAipccaoteudn tiinncgr eFairsme.. The Assessment Roll Administration fGinMaSn NciFa,l LaLdCv ipsororyv isdeersv iacsesse.ssment services for closing lot sales, assessment roll services with the local Tax Collector and Arbitrage Rebate Dissemination Agent aTdhdei Dtioisntrailc rte ips orertqiunigr eredq buyir tehme eSnetcsu froitry u ann-dra Etexdch baonngde iCsosumems.ission to comply with Rule 15(c)(2)-12(b)(5), which relates to Trustee Fees raTemhfeuo nDudnisitnt orgif c Btth oiesns dturseu, dsat nSedeer Sfieeeesrs i e 2iss0 21b03a2s Ce1ad Cp oaitnpa iltt hIamel Iapmgrropevreoemvmeeemnntet bnRete tRvweeevneeunne u UBeSo R nBedafsnu,k na dnaindnd gS etBhroeien Dsd i2ss0 twr1ih8citAc.1h/ aAr2e hCealpdi twali tIhm ap Trorvuesmteeen att RUeSv Benanuke. The Management Fees TMMhaaenn Daaggiseetmmrieectnn rtt eSAcegerrivevieecmse sMe NnatFn.,a LgLeCm. e nTth, eA bccuodugnettiendg a amndo uAndtm foinr itshtera ftisivcea ls yeervaric iess b aass pedar ot no ft hae M caonnatrgaecmteedn tfe Aegsr oeuetmliennetd w init Ehx Ghoibvietr "nAm" eonf ttahle Page 3 Capital Region Community Development District Budget Narrative Fiscal Year 2025 The District’s Records will be stored off site at Iron Mountain. Telephone, New internet and Wi-Fi service for Office. Travel expenses to attend meetings, conferences, etc. Copies used in the preparation of agenda packages, required mailings, and other special projects. This includes monthly bank charges and any other miscellaneous expenses that incur during the year. Supplies used in the preparation and binding of agenda packages, required mailings, and other special projects. The District is required to pay an annual fee to the Florida Department of Commerce for $175. Telephone Record Storage Expenditures - Administrative (continued) Information Technology The District processes all of its financial activities, i.e. accounts payable, financial statements, etc. on a by Governmental Management Services NF LLC. main frame computer leased Website Maintenance uPseer fCuhl awpetbesri 2te0s1 r4e-g2a2r,d Lianwg sC oomf Fploliraindcae, aislls uDeisst. rTichtiss mwuebsts ihtaev we iall wbee bmsiatien ttoai pnreodv bidye G dMeSta NilFed, L iLnCfo arnmda utipodna otend t hmeo CnDthDl ya.s well as links to Property Insurance aTgheen Dciiestsr.ict's Property Liability Insurance policy is with Egis Insurance specializes in providing insurance coverage to governmental Legal Advertising gTehnee rDails tcriricctu liast iroenq.uired to advertise various notices for monthly Board meetings and other public hearings in a newspaper of Other Current Charges Office Supplies Expenditures – Field Management Fees aTDnhisdet rsDiecicst.ut rTriihcttey ih rpa arset rcsooplnost,n rosavicbetierlsidtii gwehsit ti hon fcG lcuMadpSei,t LmaLl aCans fasogeret stmh aeen nsdtu copofe ofrirvedilsidni osaneti raovnnicd oe ofs nmc-oasniitntert aemcntaasnn sacugece, hrm eaepsna ltiar onsfd a Csncadap priteeap ml lRaaceiengmitoeennn aCtno ocmfe c,m pauponintidatlys a mDsseaevintestl.oenpamnecnet, Utilities - Electric/Water tThhee d Disisttrricictt. currently has accounts with City of Tallahassee Utility Company for electric service and water throughout Travel & Per Diem Due, Licenses & Subscriptions Postage and Delivery Actual postage and/or freight used for District mailings including agenda packages, vendor checks and other correspondence. Insurance General Liability iTnhseu rDainstcrei ccto'sv Gereangeer atol Lgioavbeilrintym &e nPtuabl laicg eOnfcfiiceisa.l Ts hLeia abmiliotyu nInt sisu rbaansceed puoploicny s iism wiliathr Cao qmumaliufineidty e Dnetivtye ltohpamt sepnet cDiaislitzreicst isn. providing Printing and Binding Page 4 Capital Region Community Development District Budget Narrative Fiscal Year 2025 Contracts Landscape M IIILPPPPrrraoooorrrnnnnniiigggdddddaaas tttRMMMciiiaoooeaaappnnniiinnnea MMM tttiMreeeaaasnnnaaiii nnn-aaaii nnnnntttCeeettcccueennneeernnaaa r---aannne CCCnncccnooocceeeteennn U--- ttt --CCNnrrr CNaaaouietccconerwstttnrwt ertU arnUnactnc tiUttistnsTTMi/thhcSseeGt rLLleyaaenkktn eeT LDDraeoobeccsstt ooInrrc CVaetrfdisuhr aPond $8$$$$13446$$$,,,,,01334577$403355668202222578 $1,0$$$4553$$$$23450158$,,,,,,,,002556999000022688000001480 Total $101,429 $1,202,773 The District contracts with multiple vendors to assist with road closures during Halloween. Enhancement/Beautification Represents the cost of improving any landscaping located within the common areas of the District. Landscape/Pond/Irrigation Maintenance Expenditures – Field (continued) Common Area Maintenance Unscheduled repairs and maintenance to the District’s common area throughout the community. Tot-Lot Inspection Maintenance Alleyway Maintenance Miscellaneous Maintenance Other Contingencies Capital Expenditures Reserve for Capital Repairs and Replacements Unscheduled repairs and maintenance to the District’s Facilities throughout the community. Represents any new capital expenditures the District may need to make during the Fiscal Year. iTnhsep eDcitsitornic.t o w ns a recreational area that requires repairs/replacements as well as mulch twice a year. Also, included is an annual The District conducts repairs and maintenance of the District-owned alleyways. Unscheduled repairs and maintenance to the District’s facilities not allocated to a particular area This Reserve funding is for the Capital Repairs and Replacements for the District’s capital assets. Special Events Represents cleanup, trimming and removal trees throughout the district. Tree Removal/Trimming/Cleanup (Tlhiset eDdi satsr iPcat rhka sM caoinnttreancatnecde w), ibthu tA alll sPor coo Lnatnadct Cs aoruet owf oTrakl lianh oatshseeer ,p Irnecs. etorv me aairnetaasi nto t hvea rviaoruiso ucos nptrreascetrovres.d areas within the District ssTeyhrsevt eiDcmiessst, r taiocn tad hl lta trshi mceo mcnoitmnragmc otoef ndD aiwsrteirtaihcs tA w olliw tPhnrioend Lt htarene dDe sCis.atrriec to.f S Tearlvliacheass isnecel,u Idnec .m too wprionvgi, dtrei mlamndinscga, pfeinrtgi,l ipzoantido na,n md airinritgeantaionnce m oaf iinrtreignaatniocne s SWMF Operating Permit Fees oTpheer Datisintrgi cpte pramyist st hfoer C Ditiys torfi cTt aolwlanhaesds aene,d G mroawinttha iMneadn aSgtoemrme nWt aDteepr afratcmilietniets f.or inspection of and the administration needed to issue Preserve Maintenance Page 5 Description AFBdYuo2dp0gt2ee4td Ac6tu/3al0s/ T2h4ru Pro3j eMctoendt hNsext Pro9je/c3t0e/d2 T4hru AFBYduo 2dp0gt2eet5d REVENUES: CDInaetpseiirgteansla tRteedse rrevsee rCvoenstribution $ 2 23935,,070406 - $ 2293 1633,,,308408602 $ 4 , 8 0 6 -- $ 2293 1638,,,306408608 $ 318 26708,,,405300400 TOTAL REVENUES $ 5 28,746 $ 5 43,228 $ 4,806 $ 5 48,034 $ 5 75,934 EXPENDITURES: Capital Outlay POltahyegrr Cohuanrdg Seysstem $ 6 0 - $ 80,0 20306 $ 80,0 30604 $ 160, 600000 $ 6 0 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 6 00 $ 80,235 $ 80,364 $ 1 60,600 $ 6 00 EXCESS REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) $ 5 28,146 $ 4 62,993 $ (75,558) $ 3 87,434 $ 5 75,334 Capital Region Community Development District Proposed Budget Capital Reserve Fund Page 6 Description AFBdYuo2dp0gt2ee4td Ac6tu/3al0s/ T2h4ru Pro3j eMctoendt hNsext Pro9je/c3t0e/d2 T4hru AFBYduo 2dp0gt2eet5d REVENUES: SCInpaterercryiea Fsl toA Erswasreansrsidnm gSesunrtpsl-uOsn (1 R) oll $ 8 38767 2,,,410480660 $ 880 49821,,,103845362 $ 51,,479309 - $ 88 409783,,,510389631 $ 17 235095,,,049064059 TOTAL REVENUES $ 1,265,632 $ 1,741,581 $ 7,229 $ 1,748,810 $ 9 15,414 EXPENDITURES: SOIPIInnnprttttiheeeenecrrrcireeeia psssDl tttaCe l---ab -951lt l5 //1 S9/31/e/11r3 vice Costs $ 5 11377011,,,077077066 -- - $ 5 11377011,,,077077066 -- - $ 6 75 1 302 ,,, 007 009 003 - -- $ 6 5 11 75 1377302011,,,,,,007077009077003066 $ 4 11833599,,,055011099 - -- TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 8 73,553 $ 8 73,553 $ 7 35,793 $ 1,609,346 $ 7 64,038 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 8 73,553 $ 8 73,553 $ 7 35,793 $ 1,609,346 $ 7 64,038 EXCESS REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) $ 3 92,079 $ 8 68,029 $ ( 728,564) $ 1 39,465 $ 1 51,376 $ 126,788 Capital Region Community Development District Adopted Budget Debt Service Series 2013 Capital Improvement Refunding Bonds Interest Due 11/1/25 Page 7 000000000011111111111111115555555559P//////////////////e000000000000000000r111111111111111111io//////////////////d222222222222233333001124445566778899 $ O u B t s a t l 1122223333444455aa,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,nn0022334446688889 77dc000022225667788833ei000000000055555500n,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,000000000000000000g 000000000000000000000000000000000000 Coup555555555555666666o..................000000000227777777n000000555555555555s000000000000000000%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% $ P r i n c 4555566667 ip1133455889a0000000555l,,,,,,,,,,000000000000000000000000000000 -- $ I n t e r 1111111 e 122446677991122337s112222266991116699t,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,113366667995577799000000113391178888000000333881168899 $ A n S eu r 1 a v ,l 7777777 75 i Dc 555555550 e e111344534 b ,,,,,,,,, 357779920 t 000035698 000068948 - TOTAL $ 5,985,000 $ 1,546,244 $ 7,531,244 Capital Region Community Development District AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE Debt Service Series 2013 Capital Improvement Refunding Bonds Page 8 Description AFBdYuo2dp0gt2ee4td Ac6tu/3al0s/ T2h4ru Pro3j eMctoendt hNsext Pro9je/c3t0e/d2 T4hru AFBYduo 2dp0gt2eet5d REVENUES: SSCISnpppateereercccryiiieaaa Fslll toAAA Erssswasssreeeansssrsssidnmmm gSeeesunnnrtttpsssl---uPODsrni re(1 eRp)caotyllments $ 5 4 760454 10,,,,950169025709 - $ 4 9 550 401669078,,,,,018986098140085 $ 2 721,,,814748015 - - $ 7 4 95 5400760600,,,,,910837269009400 $ 7 45 14065045,,,,015902960975 - TOTAL REVENUES $ 1,711,691 $ 2,442,858 $ 2 31,495 $ 2,674,353 $ 1,725,691 EXPENDITURES: InSPItneprrtieenecrscietiap s-l t aC1 l-a1 -5l/ l5/ 1-/1 51/1 $ 6 33055055,,,077055033 - $ 6 3 9305250555,,,,070705050303 $ - - -- $ 6 33 905520555,,,,077005500330 $ 6 33344011,,,088077088 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 1,311,506 $ 2,236,506 $ - $ 2,236,506 $ 1,313,756 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 1,311,506 $ 2,236,506 $ - $ 2,236,506 $ 1,313,756 EXCESS REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) $ 4 00,184 $ 2 06,351 $ 2 31,495 $ 4 37,846 $ 4 11,934 (1) Carry Forward is Net of Reserve Requirement $ 327,309 Capital Region Community Development District Adopted Budget Debt Service Series 2018A1 Capital Improvement Revenue Refunding Bonds Interest Due 11/1/25 Page 9 00000000000000001111111111111110001111111111114555555555555555P///////////////////////////////e0000000000000000000000000003333r0111111111111111111111111111111io///////////////////////////////d22222222222233333333333333333330011223344445555666677778888999 $ O u B t 1111111111111satl 1122334455667788990000112222334aa,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,n223344556666667777n1123366669999d0000112233556666990000011225577cei0000000055555555550055555555555n,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0000000000000000000000000000000g0000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000 Cou4444455555555555po................1111111111166666n2222222222222222s5555555555555555%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% $ P r i n 1 1111 c,,,,, 6666777889900122ip0233456889930468a0000000055500055l,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 - $ I n t e r 111333 1111122222222223333e 3366992445791111222334466777999s2222331155670000112256667889999t,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,113344355678000000111134455677811667701577801224444778889999996666883588991111112244577778899 $ A n S e u 1111 111111111111r a v,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, l2222222222222222 i Dc 9999999999999999 e 7889445556777789e b,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1279123455555678 t 1168011333345558 3689111446666689 - TOTAL $ 14,205,000 $ 6,549,153 $ 20,754,153 Capital Region Community Development District AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE Debt Service Series 2018A1 Capital Improvement Refunding Bonds Page 10 Description AFBdYuo2dp0gt2ee4td Ac6tu/3al0s/ T2h4ru Pro3j eMctoendt hNsext Pro9je/c3t0e/d2 T4hru AFBYduo 2dp0gt2eet5d REVENUES: ISCnpaterercryiea Fsl toA Erswasreansrsidnm gSesunrtpsl-uOsn (1 R) oll $ 27 546,,11 5410710 $ 2 5 18604,,,646847003 $ 1 , 6 2 9 -- $ 2 18 5246,,,246498390 $ 27 5 546,,,011041071 TOTAL REVENUES $ 3 30,758 $ 3 51,793 $ 1,629 $ 3 53,422 $ 3 35,258 EXPENDITURES: InSSIPtnepprrtieeeneccrsciietiaap s-ll t aCC1 l-aa1 -5ll/ ll5/ 1--/1 1511/1/1 $ 1 4 49110,,,000505505 - - $ 1 4 49 1500 5,,,,,000900504005000 $ - --- - $ 1 4 491 500 5,,,,,000905004050000 $ 2 3 30660,,,505707000 - - TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 2 72,110 $ 2 81,995 $ - $ 2 81,995 $ 2 73,140 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 2 72,110 $ 2 81,995 $ - $ 2 81,995 $ 2 73,140 EXCESS REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) $ 58,648 $ 69,798 $ 1,629 $ 71,427 $ 62,118 (1) Carry Forward is Net of Reserve Requirement $ 31,970 Capital Region Community Development District Adopted Budget Debt Service Series 2018A2 Capital Improvement Revenue Refunding Bonds Interest Due 11/1/25 Page 11 000000001111111111111155555555P///////////////e000000000000000r111111111111111io///////////////d222222222222333001445566778899 $ O u B t sa t l 1111111aa,,,,,,,n 225577991133557nd114466778889999cei000000550000055n,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,000000000000000g000000000000000 000000000000000 Cou44444444po........66666666n00000000s00000000%%%%%%%% $ P r i n c 12222222ip00123569a00005555l,,,,,,,,000000000000000000000000 - $ I n t e r e 134 1112222333s 550171112266777t,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,991991223355779883471133355777000050000000555 $ A n S e u r a v l 2 2222222 i Dc 66666666 e 43445778e b,,,,,,,, 24555789 t 21144668 50000555 - TOTAL $ 1,780,000 $ 3 46,840 $ 2,126,840 Capital Region Community Development District AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE Debt Service Series 2018A2 Capital Improvement Refunding Bonds Page 12 Description AFBdYuo2dp0gt2ee4td Ac6tu/3al0s/ T2h4ru Pro3j eMctoendt hNsext Pro9je/c3t0e/d2 T4hru AFBYduo 2dp0gt2eet5d REVENUES: ISCnpaterercryiea Fsl toA Erswasreansrsidnm gSesunrtpsl-uOsn (1 R) oll $ 31 580,,97 5330710 $ 3 520 70,,,819334038 $ 1 , 5 0 -- $ 32 5 800,,,698343380 $ 31 5 280,,,797353071 TOTAL REVENUES $ 3 70,169 $ 3 78,911 $ 1,500 $ 3 80,411 $ 3 72,419 EXPENDITURES: IIPnnrttieenrrceeipsstta l-- -51 5/1/11 $ 2 226880,,,066088088 $ 2 262808,,,066088088 $ --- $ 2 2 26808,,,066088088 $ 2 227550,,,044033088 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 3 17,375 $ 3 17,375 $ - $ 3 17,375 $ 3 20,875 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 3 17,375 $ 3 17,375 $ - $ 3 17,375 $ 3 20,875 EXCESS REVENUES (EXPENDITURES) $ 52,794 $ 61,536 $ 1,500 $ 63,036 $ 51,544 (1) Carry Forward is Net of Reserve Requirement $ 22,063 Capital Region Community Development District Adopted Budget Debt Service Series 2021 Capital Improvement Revenue Refunding Bonds Interest Due 11/1/25 Page 13 100000111110010111115555515515P///////////////e000000000000000r111111111111111io///////////////d222222233322222600177889956544 $ O u B t sa t l 1 1 1 1112 2 2aa,,,,,,,,,n4 33669977224n2009d11112266009933ce0i00555555055555n,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,000000000000000g000000000000000 000000000000000 Co222222222222u22...p...........255555555555555o.000000000000005n000000000000000s000000000000000%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% $ P r i n c 2 22233 22ip70189976a50555500l,,,,,,,,000000000000000000000000 - $ I n t e r e 12 22 11111 22s28 3377251155858t,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,067799040044646263355362336638350088383358888 $ A n S e u r a v l 3 3 33333 3 i Dc 11111111 e 5746688e4 b,,,,,,,, 65156691 t 80038882 80088885 - TOTAL $ 2,295,000 $ 2 37,313 $ 2,532,313 Capital Region Community Development District AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE Debt Service Series 2021 Capital Improvement Refunding Bonds Page 14 Neighborhood O&M Units Bonds Units 2013 Bonds Units 2018A1 Bonds Units 2018A2 Bonds Units 2021 refinancedex 2008 ex 2011 ex 2011 FY 2025 FY 2024 Increase/ (decrease) Increase/ (decrease) FY 2025 FY 2024 Increase/ (decrease) O&M O&M O&M Series 2013 2S0e1r8ieAs1 2S0e1r8ieAs2 Series 2021 Series 2013 2S0e1r8ieAs1 2S0e1r8ieAs2 Series 2021 Total Total Total Total Apartments 1745 654 850 241 0 $262.91 $262.91 $0.00 $306.34 $326.50 $349.80 $0.00 $361.23 $326.50 $349.80 $0.00 -$54.89 $1,245.55 $1,300.44 -$54.89 Townhomes 298 82 46 0 60 $252.99 $252.99 $0.00 $279.26 $297.62 $0.00 $215.13 $329.30 $297.62 $0.00 $215.13 -$50.04 $1,045.00 $1,095.04 -$50.04 Townhomes-1 0 0 0 0 110 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $258.87 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $258.87 $0.00 $258.87 $258.87 $0.00 Duplex 0 0 0 0 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 30s 53 0 0 0 53 $277.09 $277.09 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $282.54 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $282.54 $0.00 $559.63 $559.63 $0.00 40s 250 153 69 0 28 $295.16 $295.16 $0.00 $326.45 $346.64 $0.00 $302.61 $384.95 $346.64 $0.00 $302.61 -$58.50 $1,270.86 $1,329.36 -$58.50 55s 371 107 154 0 28 $358.40 $358.40 $0.00 $396.08 $421.04 $0.00 $304.76 $467.05 $421.04 $0.00 $304.76 -$70.97 $1,480.28 $1,551.25 -$70.97 55s-1 0 0 0 0 82 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $367.13 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $367.13 $0.00 $367.13 $367.13 $0.00 65s 382 127 144 0 42 $442.74 $442.74 $0.00 $488.91 $519.95 $0.00 $376.47 $576.51 $519.95 $0.00 $376.47 -$87.60 $1,828.07 $1,915.67 -$87.60 65's-1 0 0 0 0 69 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $453.20 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $453.20 $0.00 $453.20 $453.20 $0.00 75s 209 56 76 0 34 $505.98 $505.98 $0.00 $559.30 $594.36 $0.00 $430.26 $659.52 $594.36 $0.00 $430.26 -$100.22 $2,089.90 $2,190.12 -$100.22 75s-1 0 0 0 0 43 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $518.46 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $518.46 $0.00 $518.46 $518.46 $0.00 85s 111 77 34 0 0 $550.67 $550.67 $0.00 $605.72 $644.25 $0.00 $0.00 $714.25 $644.25 $0.00 $0.00 -$108.53 $1,800.64 $1,909.17 -$108.53 90s 26 0 26 0 0 $622.44 $622.44 $0.00 $0.00 $693.71 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $693.71 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,316.15 $1,316.15 $0.00 100s 205 40 44 0 32 $632.49 $632.49 $0.00 $698.55 $743.17 $0.00 $537.82 $823.73 $743.17 $0.00 $537.82 -$125.18 $2,612.03 $2,737.21 -$125.18 100s-1 0 0 0 0 89 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $647.54 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $647.54 $0.00 $647.54 $647.54 $0.00 1/2 Ac 160 73 21 0 22 $758.99 $758.99 $0.00 $838.57 $891.99 $0.00 $645.39 $988.82 $891.99 $0.00 $645.39 -$150.25 $3,134.94 $3,285.19 -$150.25 1/2 Ac-1 0 0 0 0 44 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $777.33 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $777.33 $0.00 $777.33 $777.33 $0.00 1Ac 40 3 0 0 25 $990.90 $990.90 $0.00 $1,094.64 $0.00 $0.00 $842.59 $1,290.76 $0.00 $0.00 $842.59 -$196.12 $2,928.13 $3,124.25 -$196.12 1Ac-1 0 0 0 0 11 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,014.69 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,014.69 $0.00 $1,014.69 $1,014.69 $0.00 ACLF 101 0 101 0 0 $132.77 $132.77 $0.00 $0.00 $156.69 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $156.69 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $289.46 $289.46 $0.00 Blended Commercial 143.52 28.97 0 0 0 $2,952.32 $2,952.32 $0.00 $1,779.79 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,915.62 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 -$135.83 $4,732.11 $4,867.94 -$135.83 Blended Commercial 0 58.464 0 0 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,249.41 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,831.23 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 -$581.82 $3,249.41 $3,831.23 -$581.82 Blended Commercial 0 2.12 0 0 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,249.08 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,831.23 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 -$582.15 $3,249.08 $3,831.23 -$582.15 Blended Commercial 0 1.415 0 0 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,249.05 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,831.23 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 -$582.18 $3,249.05 $3,831.23 -$582.18 Blended Commercial 0 3.62 0 0 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,249.07 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,831.23 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 -$582.16 $3,249.07 $3,831.23 -$582.16 Golf Club 1 0 0 1 0 $16,212.38 $16,212.38 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $21,400.59 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $21,400.59 $0.00 $0.00 $37,612.97 $37,612.97 $0.00 Catholic School 1 0 0 1 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $20,520.07 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $20,520.07 $0.00 $0.00 $20,520.07 $20,520.07 $0.00 Southwood House 0.39 0 0 0 0 $2,952.32 $2,952.32 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,952.32 $2,952.32 $0.00 Cottages 0 0 0.39 0 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,456.73 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,456.73 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,456.73 $3,456.73 $0.00 Commercial 0 0 0 43.37 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,690.94 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,690.94 $0.00 $0.00 $3,690.94 $3,690.94 $0.00 Commercial-2 0 0 0 3.84 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,207.33 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,207.33 $0.00 $0.00 $2,207.33 $2,207.33 $0.00 Total 4096.91 1466.59 1565.39 290.21 772 FY 2025 FY 2024 Capital Region Community Development District Non-Ad Valorem Assessments Comparison 2024-2025 Annual Maintenance Assessments Annual Debt Assessments Total Assessed Per Unit Page 15